What makes a hero so darn craveable?
It is his rugged good looks? His conventions-be-damned attitude? Or his soft spot for a damsel in distress?
I personally like my heroes to be tough guys with a shady past but a heart of gold. You know the type. The kind of guy who walks that fine line between good and evil. The typical bad boy who goes all mushy inside when faced with babies, animals, and of course, his one true love. Here's a photo of two of my all-time favorite movie heroes.
Is anyone else getting all squishy inside just looking at those faces? On a side note, Gerard Butler is my inspiration for resident bad-boy Jack Gaines, from my current work in progress, ASSASSIN P.I. He's the perfect combo of raw sex appeal and a wounded heart from a mysterious shady past, don't you think?
What about you? What kind of hero do you like to read about?
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