This week's Thursday Talent is a fabulous husband and wife team who write paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name of C.D. Hersh. Their newest novel, Blood Brothers, hit Amazon yesterday. Blood Brothers is the second book in the Turning Stone Chronicles. We've got lots of fun stuff today, so why don't we just jump right in?!

About The Book
When Delaney Ramsey is enlisted to help train two of the most powerful shape shifters the Turning Stone Society has seen in thousands of years, she suspects one of them is responsible for the disappearance of her daughter. To complicate matters, the man has a secret that could destroy them all. Bound by honor to protect the suspect, Delaney must prove his guilt without losing her life to his terrible powers or revealing to the police captain she’s falling for that she’s a shape shifter with more than one agenda.
The minute Captain Williams lays eyes on Delaney Ramsey, he knows she’s trouble. Uncooperative, secretive, and sexy, he can’t get her out of his mind. When he discovers she has a personal agenda for sifting through all the criminal records in his precinct, and secretly investigating his best detective, he can’t let her out of his sight. He must find out what she’s looking for before she does something illegal. If she steps over the line, he’s not certain he can look the other way for the sake of love.
Heat Level? Sensual
C.D.: In The Promised One, the first book of our series The Turning Stone Chronicles, the villain was the most fun to write. He knew nothing about the magic in the ring so every shifting experience came as a surprise. In book two, Blood Brothers, our favorite character, who will be running through the series, is Eli, Keeper of the Stone. He is a Scottish immortal who speaks in Gallic proverbs.
E.J.: Have you always been a writer, or was there a specific event in your life that drove you to write? What about in high school? Were you in drama, journalism, or yearbook? Or something else?
C.D.: We were both in the show choir. Donald sings bass, Catherine sings soprano.While we both have those manuscripts that will never see the light of day again from our early years, Catherine has been a freelance writer for over twenty years.
Our collaborative writing started when our drama director asked us to write a play for the upcoming Christmas project the church was planning. That project turned out to be an interactive, walk-through drama with over one hundred characters. From that we did some skits and even have a couple of plays, radio shows and musical dramas WIP. We really got to doing romance novels because of one Catherine gave to Donald. As he read it, he said no man would act like or say what that character said. He said we could do better, and we started looking for ideas.
E.J.: How does your family feel about you writing romance?
C.D.: They’re fine with it. In fact Catherine’s sisters and our daughter keep asking when our next book in the series is coming out, which happened yesterday. So they are satisfied for the moment.
E.J.: What are your personal writing tics that infiltrate your writing and later have to be weeded out? You know, words such as: that, just, really, heard, saw, etc? One of my tics is the word just.
C.D.: We have a two-page list of words, tics and other things to look for after we’ve finished the manuscript. We use a word counting program to weed out repetitive words. It’s funny how new “weasel” words keep popping up with each new book. Catherine is pretty fond of “it.” Donald finds that one every time.
E.J.: I love the fact that you guys work together and can act as your own first editors. How cool is that?! On that note, let's pause to read a short excerpt from your new book. Here is Eli and the heroine from Blood Brothers:
The telephone jangling pulled Delaney Ramsey out of a deep sleep. Moving the digital clock on the nightstand closer to her, she squinted at the bright green numbers. Three a.m. She fumbled for the receiver.
“If you’re calling at this ungodly hour, someone better be dead,” she mumbled into the phone.
“Delaney, ’tis Eli McCraigen.”
Sitting up, she pulled the duvet cover with her. Why was the Keeper of the Stone calling her? “What’s wrong, Eli?”
“Dinna worry yerself. ’Tis good news.”
Slumping against the headboard, she yawned, the adrenalin draining away with his words. “If it’s such good news, why couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
“I need ye tae call a special meeting o’ the council before they get away from the city.”
“All fifteen?”
“Nay, only the senior council. I’ve a new Promised One tae present.”
“Why wasn’t he presented last night at Samhain?”
“He hadnae committed tae the cause, and he dinna have a ring until minutes before midnight.”
“This is highly irregular, Eli. I don’t know if I can get the council to agree.”
“Ye have tae. He’s a verra special man.”
“A Promised One who hasn’t even had his ring more than a few hours. That’s unheard of. How can you expect someone like that to pass even one proof test?”
“He’s already shown me two--and they’re not the paltry tests most Promised Ones have failed. He has the elusive, legendary powers, and he did them using the power of other shifters’ rings.”
She snapped awake. “Other shifters’ rings? Whose?”
“Mine, Alexi Jordan’s and Sylvia Jordan’s.”
Delaney switched the light on, knocking her reading glasses to the floor with the motion. Great. She’d just bought them. Leaning over the edge of the bed, she retrieved the glasses and put them on. “Sylvia Jordan Riley?”
“’Tis that what the she-witch is calling herself now?”
“Seems so. Her name has come across my desk in her official capacity with Homeland Security.”
“That’s the other thing I need from ye. Sylvia’s butting intae Rhys’ and Alexi’s jobs and personal lives. I’m pretty certain she knows what he is, too. I need reinforcements.”
In all the years she’d known Eli, he’d never asked for assistance. And he comes to me now. At the worst possible time. “I’m honored you’d think of me, but I can’t do more than call the council for you. Ask one of them to get your reinforcements.”
“Fine, the council can arrange that, but I need ye on a more personal mission.”
“I’m in the middle of something very important and time consuming. I can’t help.”
“Dinna ye know who’s asking ye, lassie?”
She knew all right. The most powerful man in the entire Turning Stone Society. She was crazy to even consider refusing him. Her position on the council rested on his say so. However, finding her daughter meant more to her than anything else. “Normally I’d be willing to die for you, Eli, but--”
“Let’s pray dying won’t be what we’ll be needing. But I could be putting ye in a verra dangerous position.”
That did it. No way could she help if it might cost her life. Not now. Not until she found Lila. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“I need ye, Delaney. Come tae University Hospital and see me. I’m in ER.”
“ER? Are you all right?”
“We had a little run-in with a panther.”
“Aye, me, Alexi, and The Promised One I mentioned. How soon can ye get here?”
Eli was hurt? Beyond a scratch or two, Eli never got injured in a battle. Were his powers failing him? Or something worse? She couldn’t lose him, too.
She flung the covers aside and shoved her feet into her slippers. “I’ll be there as soon as I can get in touch with the council. Where should I tell them we’ll meet?”
“Alexi Jordan’s house. Today at three o’clock. I’ll text ye the address and directions.”
“You text?”
“I may be auld, Delaney, but I’ve conquered every newfangled thing that has crossed my path, including the horseless carriage and electricity. Glorified typing isnae hard. ’Tis imperative all the senior council comes. Don’t take nae for an answer.”
Like what your read? Here are the links so you can purchase this new title for your very own.
Amazon buy link for The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles): http://t.co/yW59QqvkLh
Amazon buy link for Blood Brothers (The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 2): http://www.amzn.com/B00OVNFC8W
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/CDHersh
E.J.: I have just a couple more questions for you. How do you handle bad reviews?
C.D.: The advice we have received and agree with is that you just have to ignore them.
E.J.: What is your marketing plan like? Since I'm still pretty new to the publishing world, my marketing plan is pretty weak. What advice can you give?
C.D.: Find as many free ways as possible to promote your book because our budget is limited. You want to get your name and your books’ names out on the internet as much as possible so they appear toward the top when searched.
Salty or Sweet? Yes, both.
Coffee or Tea? Both yes.
Coke or Pepsi? Always Coke, now Zero or diet.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate for Catherine and Vanilla for Donald.
Cat or Dog? Neither, we are petless.
About C.D. Hersh
Putting words and stories on paper is second nature to co-authors C.D. Hersh. They’ve written separately since they were teenagers and discovered their unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s. As high school sweethearts and husband and wife, Catherine and Donald believe in true love and happily ever after.
Together they have co-authored a number of dramas, six which have been produced in Ohio, where they live. Their interactive Christmas production had five seasonal runs in their hometown and has been sold in Virginia, California, and Ohio. Their most recent collaborative writing efforts have been focused on romance. The first book of their paranormal romance series entitled The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles) is available on Amazon. The second book in the series Blood Brothers is coming October 29, 2014 from Soul Mate Publishing.
Soul Mate Publishing: http://smpauthors.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cdhershauthor
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/C.-D.-Hersh/e/B00DV5L7ZI
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorCDHersh
The telephone jangling pulled Delaney Ramsey out of a deep sleep. Moving the digital clock on the nightstand closer to her, she squinted at the bright green numbers. Three a.m. She fumbled for the receiver.
“If you’re calling at this ungodly hour, someone better be dead,” she mumbled into the phone.
“Delaney, ’tis Eli McCraigen.”
Sitting up, she pulled the duvet cover with her. Why was the Keeper of the Stone calling her? “What’s wrong, Eli?”
“Dinna worry yerself. ’Tis good news.”
Slumping against the headboard, she yawned, the adrenalin draining away with his words. “If it’s such good news, why couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
“I need ye tae call a special meeting o’ the council before they get away from the city.”
“All fifteen?”
“Nay, only the senior council. I’ve a new Promised One tae present.”
“Why wasn’t he presented last night at Samhain?”
“He hadnae committed tae the cause, and he dinna have a ring until minutes before midnight.”
“This is highly irregular, Eli. I don’t know if I can get the council to agree.”
“Ye have tae. He’s a verra special man.”
“A Promised One who hasn’t even had his ring more than a few hours. That’s unheard of. How can you expect someone like that to pass even one proof test?”
“He’s already shown me two--and they’re not the paltry tests most Promised Ones have failed. He has the elusive, legendary powers, and he did them using the power of other shifters’ rings.”
She snapped awake. “Other shifters’ rings? Whose?”
“Mine, Alexi Jordan’s and Sylvia Jordan’s.”
Delaney switched the light on, knocking her reading glasses to the floor with the motion. Great. She’d just bought them. Leaning over the edge of the bed, she retrieved the glasses and put them on. “Sylvia Jordan Riley?”
“’Tis that what the she-witch is calling herself now?”
“Seems so. Her name has come across my desk in her official capacity with Homeland Security.”
“That’s the other thing I need from ye. Sylvia’s butting intae Rhys’ and Alexi’s jobs and personal lives. I’m pretty certain she knows what he is, too. I need reinforcements.”
In all the years she’d known Eli, he’d never asked for assistance. And he comes to me now. At the worst possible time. “I’m honored you’d think of me, but I can’t do more than call the council for you. Ask one of them to get your reinforcements.”
“Fine, the council can arrange that, but I need ye on a more personal mission.”
“I’m in the middle of something very important and time consuming. I can’t help.”
“Dinna ye know who’s asking ye, lassie?”
She knew all right. The most powerful man in the entire Turning Stone Society. She was crazy to even consider refusing him. Her position on the council rested on his say so. However, finding her daughter meant more to her than anything else. “Normally I’d be willing to die for you, Eli, but--”
“Let’s pray dying won’t be what we’ll be needing. But I could be putting ye in a verra dangerous position.”
That did it. No way could she help if it might cost her life. Not now. Not until she found Lila. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“I need ye, Delaney. Come tae University Hospital and see me. I’m in ER.”
“ER? Are you all right?”
“We had a little run-in with a panther.”
“Aye, me, Alexi, and The Promised One I mentioned. How soon can ye get here?”
Eli was hurt? Beyond a scratch or two, Eli never got injured in a battle. Were his powers failing him? Or something worse? She couldn’t lose him, too.
She flung the covers aside and shoved her feet into her slippers. “I’ll be there as soon as I can get in touch with the council. Where should I tell them we’ll meet?”
“Alexi Jordan’s house. Today at three o’clock. I’ll text ye the address and directions.”
“You text?”
“I may be auld, Delaney, but I’ve conquered every newfangled thing that has crossed my path, including the horseless carriage and electricity. Glorified typing isnae hard. ’Tis imperative all the senior council comes. Don’t take nae for an answer.”
Like what your read? Here are the links so you can purchase this new title for your very own.
Amazon buy link for The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles): http://t.co/yW59QqvkLh
Amazon buy link for Blood Brothers (The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 2): http://www.amzn.com/B00OVNFC8W
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/CDHersh
E.J.: I have just a couple more questions for you. How do you handle bad reviews?
C.D.: The advice we have received and agree with is that you just have to ignore them.
E.J.: What is your marketing plan like? Since I'm still pretty new to the publishing world, my marketing plan is pretty weak. What advice can you give?
C.D.: Find as many free ways as possible to promote your book because our budget is limited. You want to get your name and your books’ names out on the internet as much as possible so they appear toward the top when searched.
E.J.: Time for my rapid fire questions. Ready?
Salty or Sweet? Yes, both.
Coffee or Tea? Both yes.
Coke or Pepsi? Always Coke, now Zero or diet.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate for Catherine and Vanilla for Donald.
Cat or Dog? Neither, we are petless.
The chocolate/vanilla thing sounds like my hubby and me. Well, it's been really great chatting with you. Come back anytime. Before we close for the day, let's get to know the read C.D. Hersh.
Together they have co-authored a number of dramas, six which have been produced in Ohio, where they live. Their interactive Christmas production had five seasonal runs in their hometown and has been sold in Virginia, California, and Ohio. Their most recent collaborative writing efforts have been focused on romance. The first book of their paranormal romance series entitled The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles) is available on Amazon. The second book in the series Blood Brothers is coming October 29, 2014 from Soul Mate Publishing.
Connect with C.D.
Website: http://cdhersh.wordpress.com/Soul Mate Publishing: http://smpauthors.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cdhershauthor
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/C.-D.-Hersh/e/B00DV5L7ZI
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorCDHersh